28 de març 2007

expiriNg date

la data de caducitat d'apropa perillosament..
i jo que odio les presses,
i jo que sóc fatal amb els finals,
i els finals amb mi.
i jo que voldria saber com disfrutar sense ennuegar-me.

cada cosa que miro té la seva data de caducitat..i així és impossible ..

22 de març 2007

adiós guSano [quiNo]

21 de març 2007

the secretS of a ghaPpy idioT n.1

ok.... let's, for once, try to change the way I look at the cosas.. if it's sunny i won't think about the coming clouds.. no nubes if there's soL .. at the beginNing though, I might need my super magic making-you-love-the-world glaSses.. now that i'm wearing them my trabajo for tomorrow is making me reír and reír ... lalalalalalalalala ..... people will think I'm an idiota with heart sunglaSses but they don't know that it's my secret to keep walking and smilinG under the rain..

un rayo de soL uohh oh oh !

'Cuando del cielo nublado desciende un rayo de sol sobre una calleja oscura, da igua lo que ilumine: los cascotes del suelo,
el papel desgarrado de un anuncio en la pared o la rubia cabeza de un niño: trae luz, trae magia, transforma y transfigura'
HerMan HesSe
groningen from my window............................
the Sun was just there..

18 de març 2007

Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole

Poetry is no place for a heart that's a whore And I'm young & I'm strong But I feel old and tired Overfired And I've been poked & stoked It's all smoke, there's no more fire Only desire For you, whoever you are For you, whoever you are You say my time here has been some sort of joke That I've been messing around Some sort of incubating period For when I really come around I'm cracking up And you have no idea No idea how it feels to be on your own In your own home with the fucking phone And the mother of gloom In your bedroom Standing over your head With her hand in your head With her hand in your head I will not pretend I will not put on a smile I will not say I'm all right for you When all I wanted was to be good To do everything in truth To do everything in truth Oh I wish I wish I wish I was born a man So I could learn how to stand up for myself Like those guys with guitars I've been watching in bars Who've been stamping their feet to a different beat To a different beat To a different beat I will not pretend I will not put on a smile I will not say I'm all right for you When all I wanted was to be good To do everything in truth To do everything in truth You bloody mother fucking asshole Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole Oh you bloody... I will not pretend I will not put on a smile I will not say I'm all right for you For you, whoever you are For you, whoever you are For you, whoever you are

Martha Wainwright

raBia màxima

mira, se m'han passat les ganes de volar.
total per a que es rebentin els globus quan millor mho estic passant..
prefereixo passar ara una rabieta que plorar més tard per la caiguda.
demà al rumba alcoholitzo el puteig i el supero.

15 de març 2007

de punteteS ..

11 de març 2007

in your arms i feel sunShine

Youre my last breathe Youre a breathe of fresh air to me Hi, I'm empty So tell me you care for me Youre the first thing And the last thing on my mind In your arms I feel Sunshine On a promise A day dream yet to come Time is upon us Oh but the night is young Flowers blossom In the winter time In your arms I feel Sunshine Give up yourself unto the moment The time is now Give up yourself unto the moment Lets make this moment last Tempted by fear And I wont hesitate The time is now And I cant wait

The time iS now [moloKo]
què maques que sou òstia !

09 de març 2007


Aquí estem, confirmant la teoria que groningen ens ha fet criatures de la nit..

estic mirant la pàgina de couchsurfers i buscant allotjament al marroc, he trobat un noi que m'ha deixat de pedra. Ara com ara ser romàntic no es porta i enamorar-se fa mandra, però aquest noi sembla posar-ho fàcil no? per una banda penso: què maco que simplement ho digui tal com ho sent, perquè nosaltres ho fem quite complicated no?però per l'altra penso ufff ready to have a wife and kids to care about them ...?? are you sure baby ?

però sí, he de dir que la meva vessant romàntica ha pensat: seré jo la princesa ? ..

doncs això és el que m'he trobat a l'apartat d'interessos, on normalment la gent escriu: reading, going out, nature ..


i m interesting to have good familly that's me dream to have good wife and to have kit's and to quire about them and i am ready to do that just i need to find me princesse but i m shur i can i hope from god that i will find it 1 day

08 de març 2007


cliqueu sobre el títol d'aquest post i visiteu el blog de la mika perquè ha posat moltes fotos dels últims temps i li ha quedat súper xulo !!!
aneu a la columna de l'esquerra on diu January parties i a la resta de links que vénen després !

07 de març 2007

in the Sun and in the raiN ..

01 de març 2007

on etS ?

Mirarte en el aire es mi mayor problema
partirme en pedazos rotos de espejos ..
Chicas [Calamaro]