24 de desembre 2006

dancer in the darK ..

sometimes you need to feel someone else's heart beats
to be aware of your own..
and that is beautiful but sad at the same time;
'cause when sleeping alone, that wild silence of the night could let you think you're dead..[it wouldn't be the first time..]
let me sleep tonight with your heart in my hand,
I'm fearful and scared..
An then, maybe tomorrow, in your absence,
when trying to hear your beating,
I'll be able to hear my own and
I will tap-dance in the dark.


Anonymous Anònim said...

bolu! si todo sale bien me voy unos dias al pais vasco. cuando te vas=?!?!? a ver si no spodemos ver!!! vuelvo para fin de año o asi. un besete!

dilluns, 25 de desembre, 2006  
Blogger Mareike said...

Hello sweetie,
I suppose it`s not your heart on this picture!
Merry christmas!!Say hello to your parents from me!
love, kisses

dimarts, 26 de desembre, 2006  

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